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The Best Mid-Level Marketing Resume Example and Writing Guide

See the best mid-level marketing resume examples, including why they work and how you can mimic their success. Show results by using numbers or by…

May 31, 2024

The best mid-level marketing resume is all about business growth results. 

Show you understand how to get results by either using numbers to highlight a project outcome or by mentioning the purpose of each task you carried out. 

Now, you might know how to tap into the minds of your customers and get someone from becoming a website visitor into a prospect. In other words—you know how to grow a business by helping them get their products or services in front of their audience. 

But it’s a bit of a different story when it comes to selling yourself. 

That’s exactly what you do on a resume—sell your marketing skills to potential employers. 

This guide will cover the best mid-level marketing resume examples, including why they work and how you can mimic their success. We’ll also cover how to write powerful resume sentences that prove your expertise as a marketing professional. 

Top Mid-Level Marketing Resume Examples

All the mid-level marketing resumes listed below mainly work for one reason: proven marketing experience. 

Proven marketing experience means showing how you successfully achieved company and sales growth objectives by performing your role well. It demonstrates that you were effective enough to drive positive business results. 

We’ll review each resume example below, explaining in detail why they successfully landed interviews. 

Email Coordinator Resume

email coordinator

Why This Resume Secured an Interview

  • Quantitative Accomplishments: Career achievements include quantifiable results. The candidate uses statistics to emphasize the impact they’ve made. 
  • Career Progression: The candidate has a progressive career timeline, indicating professional growth. This also shows they’re a self-driven individual that’s continuously learning. These are desirable qualities, especially because the marketing industry is always evolving.
  • Marketing Terminology: The candidate uses buzzwords sparingly where it’s natural. When jargon isn’t forced but included naturally, it implies technical knowledge as a marketer. 

Marketing Analyst Resume

Marketing Analyst Resume

Why This Resume Secured an Interview

  • Data-driven Sentences: Bullet points include data to showcase accomplishments. They’ve also used numbers to specify key job responsibilities. 
  • Timeframe of Achievements: They’ve included how long it took to achieve positive business outcomes. This positions them as someone who takes accountability and measures goals accordingly. 
  • Impact-Driven Story: The career timeline of this candidate shows positive quantitative results for previous job positions. However, that’s not the case when it comes to describing what they did in their latest role as an “Aftersales Marketing Analyst.” Still, it’s clear that they can make a measurable impact because of their accomplishments in past positions. The bullet points under the most recent job position highlight their technical expertise for that professional title because of how detailed they described the role. 

Product Marketing Manager Resume

Product marketing Manager

Why This Resume Secured an Interview

  • Results-Oriented Resume: The resume doesn’t focus on listing daily responsibilities. They've highlighted various achievements from carrying out their role using numbers. This shows the value of their technical skills and that they excel at what they do. 
  • Work Experience Structure: Work history is listed in reverse chronological order. However, look at how they’ve structured the bullet points. The first bullet point for each role states the candidate’s main responsibility. Then, to show that they did their part well, most of the following bullet points are achievements or outcome-focused sentences. This structure makes them stand out and positions them as experts in their field. 
  • Non-Profit Consultant: The additional "projects” resume section indicates the candidate’s personal qualities and personality. It also shows their versatility since they’re capable of working with small and local organizations, not just large corporations. 

Social Media Manager Resume (No Education Section)

Social Media

Why This Resume Secured an Interview

  • Consistent Career Timeline: The job seeker is positioned as a specialist because their background in marketing is mostly in social media. Their experience and career achievements make up for not having an education section.
  • Accomplishments: At least one bullet point under each job position includes an accomplishment with numbers. 
  • Certifications: Certifications from relevant courses aren’t the same as a bachelor’s degree. But they’re still a qualification that shows you have industry knowledge. 
  • Software Proficiency: A wide range of tools are listed in the skills section. All of these are relevant to the role. 

How to Complete Your Resume Sections: Mid-Level Marketing Edition

Here are the essential resume sections for a mid-level marketing resume: 

  • Header
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Skills

We’ll go through how to approach each section for a mid-level resume in marketing. Further below, we’ll show you a few extra sections you could add to your application.


The header section of a resume includes the following: 

  • Full Name 
  • Location (City, Country)
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • LinkedIn URL or Website/Portfolio Link (optional)

These are the essential contact details to write on a resume. It’s the only personal details required so potential employers know how to contact you. 

Work Experience

Writing about professional experiences isn’t just about showing industry knowledge. It’s more about showing how you’ve made a tangible difference in previous companies. 

The purpose of marketing is to grow a business by promoting it. A compelling marketing work experience section proves you can back up this statement by writing about a few different things: 

  • Key Metrics: Conversion rates, email open rates, organic traffic, bounce rates, and so forth. 
  • Marketing Strategy: How you contributed to the overall success of a marketing strategy, whether it’s because you developed the strategy in the first place or executed a part of it to a high standard. 
  • Deliverables: The exact tangible tasks you carried out to achieve a result. 
  • Meaningful Outcomes: Accomplishments directly related to a business's growth. 

Moreover, stick to the reverse chronological resume format because hiring managers are more interested in your recent career highligts. This means describing your most recent job titles first and working backward to older roles. 

Go as far back as up to 3-5 years in work history. What matters more than the number of job positions listed is how they’re related to the role. 

However, you can go back up to 8 years or more as long as the experience is relevant. You’ll only need 1-2 bullet points or none at all for roles that are 8+ years old since they won’t be as relevant compared to what you’ve done in the past 3-5 years. 

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Marketing degrees and professional diplomas go in the education section. 

Here are the details to include when listing academic qualifications: 

  • Educational qualification 
  • Academic institution 
  • City and country of where you studied
  • Date of graduation
  • GPA and minors (optional) 

See the example below. 


Important Note: As you saw from one of our marketing resume examples earlier, there are some cases where you can leave out the education section. This is only applicable when you have a marketing track record that makes your professional development clear.


List your top skills and areas of knowledge in the skills section. You could also put them in categories based on the umbrella term it belongs under. 

Here’s an example below. 


Other Resume Sections for Mid-Level Marketing Professionals

There are additional resume sections you could include. However, you should only include an extra section under the following circumstances:

  • You have an impressive achievement to write about
  • It’s about a marketing strategy you oversaw
  • There are qualities you want to highlight
  • You’re able to maintain a one-page resume

Here are a few examples of impressive things to put in an extra resume section: 

  • Successful Marketing Plan: Mention effective marketing campaigns you devised and implemented.  
  • Marketing Communications: Include how you approached marketing communication across different digital channels. This could be to improve team management or customer experiences. 
  • Industry-Specific Marketing: Mention how you ran successful marketing campaigns for specific industries such as B2B marketing or e-commerce marketing. 
  • Influencer Marketing: Ever had an influencer take part in your marketing program to promote something? Share your process from how you messaged them to how you reached an agreement.
  • Extra Courses: List additional qualifications that are related to the role.
  • Customer Acquisition Strategy: Mention a project where you significantly improved customer acquisition. 
  • Increase in Customer Retention: Write about how you improved customer retention rates.

Still got more to say? If anything, sending a cover letter is usually an option that’s available. 


Write an overview of your career so far. 

Share your biggest professional strengths or career highlights as a marketer. This could be one of the following:

  • Business Growth Achievements
  • Years of Industry Experience
  • Specialties 
  • Career Goals 
  • Experience with Big-Name Companies

Set a compelling first impression by immediately showcasing your unique selling points. Stand out in a competitive job market by focusing on what makes you different from other candidates.

Here are a few examples of mid-level marketing resume summaries below. 


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Side projects are similar to work experience. Although it’s not in a professional setting, they still showcase relevant skills and abilities. 

Some projects can also highlight desirable personality traits. A few examples include discipline, being a team player, and being someone who’s committed to honing their craft.

Here are some examples of relevant projects: 

  • Building an audience as a content creator on YouTube
  • Growing an email list that you built from scratch
  • Running your own podcast 
  • Testing social media marketing campaigns to drive growth 

See the resume samples for the projects section below. 


Marketing Training

Marketing is constantly evolving. What worked 10 years ago probably wouldn’t work today. The concepts might stay the same, but how things are done will likely change. 

That said, marketing training can be a good way to show you have the latest industry knowledge. It can also be effective for positioning yourself as someone who specializes in a particular area of digital marketing. 

marketing training


The resume certifications section is almost similar to the education section. Both have the same purpose: showing you understand your marketing role through qualifications. 

Listing certifications is more or less the same as how you list your university degree in the education section. However, you could add bullet points to share more details about transferable skills that you developed. 


The Best Way to Write About Marketing Work Experience on a Resume

The ideal work experience section for mid-level marketers highlights the following: 

  • Marketing Achievements
  • Specialties
  • Execution of Relevant Tasks 

All marketing resumes should include bullet points for each of these aspects. 

Moreover, what you write about should be tailored to the company by referring back to their marketing job descriptions. 

We’ll go through typical examples for each of the three points mentioned above. Next, we’ll go through how to turn them into resume sentences that will make companies excited to interview you.  

1. Examples of Marketing Achievements 

  • Website Traffic: Getting more people to land on your website. 
  • Conversion Rates: The rate at which people take the action you want them to take. 
  • Lead Generation: Turning a percentage of your audience into prospects. 
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue: The revenue generated monthly from the sales of a product or service. 
  • Free Trial Signups: The number of people who complete the sign-up for a free trial. 
  • Keyword Rankings: Web content ranking on search engines for a particular word or phrase. 
  • Revenue Growth: Increasing the bottom line of a business over a period of time. 
  • Customer Acquisition: The number or rate of acquiring new customers. 
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): The average amount of money a customer spends on your products or services. 
  • Social Media Engagement: How consumers interact with your social media posts. 
  • Customer Retention: How long customers continue to purchase your products or services. 

How to Turn Marketing Achievements Into Resume Sentences

Marketing is about helping a business grow by promoting its products or services to the target audience. Any numbers or data you have to do with this should be mentioned on your resume to emphasize the marketing impact you made. 

Marketing achievements aren’t just limited to CMO job responsibilities like developing a game-changing content strategy. A marketing achievement could also be as simple as creating a well-written piece of content that drove traffic to the website. 

All that being said, follow these steps to turn a marketing achievement into a compelling resume sentence: 

1. Pick an action verb that describes the nature of the achievement 

2. Include estimated or exact numbers of the results accomplished

3. Mention the time frame of the achievement

4. Include the overall business impact of the marketing strategy

5. Share relevant details on how you reached the achievement mentioned

Here’s another variation to write resume sentences for marketing achievements: 

1. Start by describing the task you carried out  

2. Share relevant details to specify the task you carried out 

3. Mention the specific result achieved using numbers and data

4. Include the overall business impact of the marketing strategy

Mid-Level Marketer Resume Sentences for Marketing Achievements

  • Website Traffic: Boosted organic traffic by 60% within 3 months by implementing an SEO strategy. 
  • Conversion Rates: Increased conversion rates within 2 months through A/B testing initiatives. 
  • Lead Generation: Drove $200k in revenue in less than 1 year by executing paid ads and content marketing strategies. 
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue: Strategically devised and executed highly targeted email marketing campaigns, resulting in a 25% increase in monthly recurring revenue.
  • Free Trial Signups: Created SEO articles that led to a 40% surge in free trial signups within 3 months.
  • Keyword Rankings: Led a comprehensive technical site audit, identifying critical SEO issues and implementing strategic optimizations, resulting in a 30% increase in keyword rankings.
  • Revenue Growth: ​​Crafted a compelling sales page that drove a 50% increase in conversion rates and a $100,000 increase in annual revenue.
  • Customer Acquisition: Acquired 50% more new customers in under 3 months by optimizing delivery timings and copy of email campaigns.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Executed data-driven marketing strategies that increased customer lifetime value (CLV) by 25% within 6 months, resulting in a $2.5 million revenue boost and a 15% reduction in customer acquisition costs.
  • Social Media Engagement: Boosted the company’s social media presence by crafting compelling, audience-centric copy that led to a 50% increase in user engagement and a 40% rise in followers within 3 months. 
  • Customer Retention: Boosted retention by 68% and increased management fees by 300% by working closely with the sales team to determine the ideal client base, training the marketing department in data analysis, and creating funnels that yield profits.

Use AI for Results-Oriented Sentences

Mention any achievement you want to highlight, then turn it into a professional resume sentence using our AI Bullet Point Editor. This is 10x faster than constantly trying to improve the sentences yourself. 

Try our AI Bullet Point Editor for free. 

2. Examples of Specialities for Mid-Level Marketers

Marketing is a pretty broad term. There are lots of areas in marketing that you could specialize in:

  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Paid Ads
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media

You might even specialize in particular platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn. Moreover, you could specialize in working for certain industries. 

Depending on the marketing position and job description, tailor your resume to position yourself as a marketing specialist based on the job responsibilities. 

How to Turn Specialities Into Resume Sentences

Write about the main tasks or responsibilities related to your specialty. 

Another approach is to focus on writing about the same outcomes derived from the type of marketing you want to highlight. 

Let’s say you wanted to position yourself as a specialist in content marketing. 

In this case, focus on sharing how you researched to inform the content strategy. Or share achievements from relevant responsibilities that would lead to similar outcomes to executing an effective content strategy. 

Once you know the type of specialist to position yourself use the following steps to translate those areas of expertise into impact-driven resume sentences:  

1. Start with an action verb that depicts your significance

2. Write about the skills or knowledge you applied to make an impact

3. Include the outcome you worked toward or achieved

Mid-Level Marketer Resume Sentences for Specialties

  • Content Marketing: Devised a content strategy from scratch after conducting customer interviews to ensure it’s tailored to the pain points of ideal customers, increasing monthly user signup rates by over 30%.
  • Email Marketing: Exceeded monthly sales goals and KPIs consistently by devising hyper-targeted email campaigns, resulting in an email open rate of 30% and a CTR of 15%. 
  • Paid Ads: Led comprehensive paid advertising campaigns across multiple platforms, consistently achieving a minimum ROI of 300% and generating a $1 million increase in revenue annually.
  • SEO: Relaunched a 3-year-old website after optimizing core website pages for high-intent keywords to acquire targeted traffic and free trial signups. 
  • Social Media: Drove social media growth by applying a strategic blend of data-driven analytics, trend forecasting, and audience segmentation, resulting in a 75% increase in engagement and a 50% boost in conversions within 4 months.  

Finish Incomplete Resume Sentences 

Have an idea of what to write about but not sure how to write it? Simple. Start the sentence and let our AI Resume Writer complete it for you. 

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3. Examples of Relevant Tasks for Mid-Level Marketers

  • Branding: Brand Management, Brand Messaging, Brand Positioning, Brand Strategy
  • Content Marketing: Blogging, eBooks, Email, Podcasts, Landing Pages, Whitepapers
  • CRO: A/B Testing, User Experience
  • Data Skills: Data Analysis, Web Analytics
  • Social Media Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok
  • Research: Competitive Research, Interviewing, Reports
  • SEO: Keyword Research, Link Building, On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, HTML, XML Sitemaps
  • Technical Proficiency: Ahrefs, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, HubSpot, SEMrush, WordPress
  • Writing: Copywriting, Content Writing, Editing, Storytelling, Technical Writing

Here are a few soft skills to consider:

  • Adaptability
  • Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Creativity
  • Curiosity
  • Persuasion
  • Project Management

How to Turn Relevant Tasks Into Resume Sentences 

Understand what skills matter most to your hiring manager. Check the job description to see the types of tasks they expect candidates to be familiar with. 

You can bet that you should write about tasks related to increasing brand awareness or online visibility when these are mentioned explicitly in the job description. 

Follow these steps to write about relevant tasks in a way that highlights key skills: 

1. Use an action verb to showcase how you approached a task or an outcome of the task you carried out

2. Share details about what the task involved 

3. Mention the objective or result you worked toward

Whenever possible, use numbers to either specify a responsibility or to highlight an achievement. 

Mid-Level Marketer Resume Sentences for Key Tasks

  • Branding: Increased brand loyalty by responding to messages and comments on Instagram in less than 1 hour and a median response time of 30 minutes.
  • Content Marketing: Worked closely with the content marketing manager to represent the voice of the customer to generate new blog post ideas and amplify those posts on social media.
  • CRO: Analyzed bid strategy, audience targeting, A/B testing, and placement performance for conversion rate optimization.
  • Data Skills: Prepared social media analytics reports by compiling the number of likes, shares, and comments for the week, month, and year for 5 social media influencers with a combined following of 3,000,000 followers.
  • Social Media Platforms: Launched & managed the weekly LinkedIn newsletter that gathered 600+ subscribers in one month.
  • Research: Conducted SME interviews to gather all necessary technical information to produce accurate and thorough documentation per assignment.
  • SEO: Ranked more than 80 small-scale websites by conducting technical SEO audits and competitor analysis. 
  • Technical Proficiency: Took full ownership of analytics setup and integration with other platforms and spearheaded initiatives such as multi-touch attribution.
  • Writing: Developed content across a range of consumer touchpoints, including email, web/landing pages, SEO objectives, out-of-home, video and radio scripts, social media campaigns, and performance marketing channels (e.g. Facebook and Google AdWords).

Resume sentence examples for soft skills in marketing:

  • Adaptability: Successfully navigated shifting market dynamics and emerging customer trends to consistently deliver innovative marketing strategies, resulting in a 20% increase in ROI over the past year.
  • Communication: Collaborated with cross-functional stakeholders to deliver on goals of driving sales, building brand equity, and increasing CLV through catalog and direct mail.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Led relationships with agencies, designers, web developers, and media outlets in the creative development and execution of digital marketing campaigns.
  • Creativity: Took full ownership of the strategy and results of catalog and direct mail programs for <website> and full-line stores, focusing on customer-centric content and data-driven targeting, transforming a negative ROI in 2020 into a positive 193% in 2021.
  • Curiosity: Compiled city-specific data on real estate trends in the top and emerging cities and used Webflow to upload and edit articles with fresh information.
  • Persuasion: Liaised with vendors, setting and tracking metrics and coordinating operational procedures to monitor and manage products and projects.
  • Project Management: When assigned projects, managed content review, project intake, collaboration with other parties, and associated timelines with minimal supervision.

Complete a Resume From Scratch in a Few Minutes

Write an entire resume in a few minutes by generating tailored bullet points based on the job description. All you have to do is enter your job title and click “AI Writer Generate.”

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3 Tips to Make Your Marketing Resume Stand Out as a Mid-Level Professional  

Awesome, you now know the essentials to writing a hireable mid-level marketing resume! We’ll share a few more tips to drive the final nail in the coffin.  

1. Include Business Revenue Figures

Sharing lead-gen and organic traffic metrics is impressive. However, what’s more impressive are the business revenue figures. Showing the bigger picture will further emphasize the impact of your contributions. 

Here are a few examples:

  • Implemented a data-driven email marketing campaign that resulted in a 20% increase in open rates and a 15% boost in click-through rates, contributing to a $500,000 increase in annual online sales revenue.
  • Optimized Google Ads campaigns by reducing the cost per click (CPC) by 25% while maintaining conversion rates, leading to a $300,000 reduction in annual advertising spend while achieving a 10% increase in overall revenue.

2. Address Business Pain Points

Use the same language mentioned in the job description. 

Tailor your resume based on the company’s pain points to position yourself as the best potential candidate. 

Let’s say the company is looking for someone with expertise in paid ads. They need someone who can help them achieve rankings for a list of target keywords. In this case, you would include a resume sentence that addresses this need. 

Here are a few examples: 

  • Conducted competitor analysis to identify potential opportunities and craft a search engine optimization strategy that achieved Google's top 3 listing for key keywords.
  • Optimized PPC Campaigns using methods such as A/B testing audience segmentation, keyword research, and landing page optimization, resulting in high search engine rankings that drove an increase in sales by 72%.

If you’re unsure what the keywords are from the job description to address business pain points, you can use our AI Keyword Scanner to find them in seconds. 

3. Showcase Your Unique Selling Points

Highlight in your summary section or work experience section your unique selling points. 

In other words, showcase your strengths that separate you from all the other marketers applying for the same position. 

Here are a few examples of what your unique selling points could be: 

  • Niche and chosen industry
  • Areas of specialty  
  • Proven track record of specific project results
  • Frameworks for solving a specific problem 
  • Mindset to approaching certain business goals 
  • Career highlights and achievements 

The Only Marketing Resume Guide You Need to Secure Interviews

Kudos to you for making it to the very end! All the research you’re doing now will be worth it. 

Whenever in doubt, refer back to this guide for inspiration. It’s the only marketing resume guide you’ll need to write an application that gets past the initial stage of the hiring process. 

And to put things into perspective, think of job hunting as running a business. 

Your skills are the product. The benefit you’re selling to hiring managers is that you have the expertise to help them grow their company and make an impact on the bottom line. 

And like outbound marketing strategies such as cold emails, job hunting can be a bit of a numbers game. The more tailored applications you send, the more likely you’ll get a response.  

But it doesn’t have to take as long as it usually takes. 

If you’d like to use our AI Resume Builder so that a mid-level marketing resume doesn’t have to take you days or even weeks to complete, you can sign up here for free

We won’t ask for any card details. Sign up with your email and create a password to get started.  

Good luck! 

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